Cergomma S.r.l.

Via Zambelli, 18
41043 Formigine loc. Magreta
(MO) – Italy
Phone: +39 059463076
Fax: + 39 059554724
Email: info@cergomma.com

Video Tutorials

Taking CER01 rubber from the freezer

Take out of the freezer strictly the material that will be used in a short time, leaving the rest of the package at controlled temperature. Do not remove the polyethylene protecting the rubber until it is completely thaw. This way moisture condensation will form on the polyethylene of the packaging and not on the rubber, which will remain protected. When the rubber has reached room temperature you can remove the polyethylene sheet. CER01 compound is damaged by humidity: protecting it during use allows to avoid the formation of bubbles on the surface of the coating.

CER01 sheets drying

Sometimes the presence of bubbles on the surface of the cured coating comes from humidity which is absorbed by the rubber sheet. During high humidity period you can dry the rubber sheets on a warm plate, covered with a clean cotton rag. Drying time of the sheet varies according to the plate’s temperature: if the plate is hot, it should be left just a few seconds per side. The CER01 is extremely reactive therefore the drying on the plate must be done with caution to avoid the activation of the crosslinking, which results in a harder rubber to press. To establish the drying time you can contact us: we’ll be happy to give you our recommendations.

Pressing the rubber

Punch preheating

Put the punch, glue already applied, on the preheating plate at 100/110°C max. Always check the press’ plates temperature with a digital thermometer: the suitable temperature for molding is 125/128°C. Install the punch and, before closing, recheck the temperature of the punch. When the punch has reached this temperature it is ready to be pressed.We recommend not to leave the punch uselessly on the preheating plate as the heat, over time, damages the glue, decreasing its adhesive properties.